The value you put in the recording interval is a multiplier for any component history setting ( which you can find below the recording interval on the History properties page). 您输入的记录间隔值是所有组件历史设置的一个乘法器(您可以在History属性页面上的记录间隔下面找到这些设置)。
Its performance is affected by the recording limit and compression interval. 其压缩效果受记录限和压缩区间的影响。
The electrophysiology and endocardial monophasic action potential ( MAP) recording in three patients with long QT interval syndrome ( LQTS) and TdP of different etiology were studied. 本文对3例不同病因的长QT间期综合征(LOTS)伴TdP的电生理和心内膜单相动作电位记录进行了研究。
The reasons of misdiagnose in the other 12 patients were unclear recording of P wave, inaccurate measurement of RP interval, and unable to observe ventriculoatrial ( VA) conduction by ventricular pacing. TEAP12例不符合诊断病例,其诊断错误主要由于P波记录不清、RP标测不准确及不能做心室起搏观察室房逆行传导等局限性造成。